Monday, September 7, 2009

In case you needed more proof of my craziness.

I don't know about the rest of the world, but i tend to have rather bizarre dreams. They seem to come in cycles. I won't dream at all for months and then all of a sudden for nights in a row i will have epic dreams that seem like Stan Lee and George Lucas got together and dropped acid. This is what i dreamt last night:

I lived in a world that mostly mirrored our own. I went to classes, i went to work (at a toy store, not a the restaurant i currently work at, but whatever). Each person I knew in my dream was reminiscent of someone i know in real life but with just one or two traits that were off.

The only difference was that everyone had a power. Mine was reading minds. Erin could create endless duplicates of herself or anyone else that would move around, talk and generally just be really good faux targets when we were playing dodgeball.

One small bratty child had the power to make inanimate objects come to life. and that kid just had to make some trouble.

You see, small child wanted a toy (i'm not sure what kind) but his mother refused to buy it. As I turned the corner with my little price tag gun i see the kid yelling. All of a sudden his entire body glows and a pulse goes out of him. Then i hear screams. Three rows over a giant T-rex made entirely of legos is stomping all over the place as people scream, scatter, and cower in terror.

As the pulse continues across the land, for miles this starts happening all over the place. Some of the monsters are smaller ( one is just a mean little lawn gnome looking thing that pops out of the bushes and scratches the hell out of us). Others, depending on the amount of legos, were gigantic. One actually looked like optimus prime, though i doubt optimus would approve of picking up a bus and chucking it across the highway so it bounces like an oddly shaped superball.

The only way to stop someone else from using their power was to find one of a very few bonsai trees. Unlike regular bonsai trees these trees were magical and the energy in one branch, if willingly given, could give the wielder the power to stop someone else's powers from working. Unfortunately said trees couldn't exactly be picked up in the garden section at wallmart and often masqueraded as people, so finding one wasn't the easiest of tasks.

Our first task was to find a monastery where we could get someone to tell us more about these mysterious plants. However, in addition to fighting the lego monsters where ever they were, we had two more problems. The first problem was fighting off the opportunists, the people who thrived in the anarchy that a world in chaos provided them with and were not keen on us setting the world in order. They popped up in every city we ventured to, trying to foil our plans.

when we got to the marshlands we had to deal with the bug. Upon biting you you would be temporarily unable to use your powers. Furthermore, if it bit another person shortly thereafter that person would discover, upon recovery to have gained your powers in addition to their own. It would actually be really cool if it wasn't excruciatingly painful. In the end i learned how to duplicate myself and others and also gained telekinesis. However, I quickly learned that just because you had a power didn't mean you could use it affectively. When i duplicated my self the copies just stood there like zombies, making it painfully easy to pick out the real me. Furthermore, when i tried to levitate a chair it merely hovered feebly before clattering to the ground.

Anyway... after navigating our way through the now apocalyptic cities and towns, trudging through the forest and then the marshlands we finally gained our instructions from the monks. What followed was more trudging through forests, and the eventual climbing of a sacred mountain. The tree was not by the sacred pool. bummer.

So we gave up, and started back down the mountain to go home. on our way back we found a bunch of looters pillaging a pristine, though simple cabin on the edge of the forest. Inside, there were two children in white cowering in the corner while one of the men doused the entire place in gasoline. My ability made it easy to predict punches before they were thrown, while one friend summoned a few duplicates to aid her in her fight, and a second friend just levitated one jerk and threw him out the window. We kicked butt.

When we helped the children up they held their hands out to us, palms facing upward and their eyes started glowing. They produced two sticks. when grasped, one glowed a pale purple and the other a bluish-green. we had what we had been looking for.

I woke up at this point. But I can only assume I went back, smacked that bratty kid in the face with the treebranch, and turned all the legos back into plain old toys. And then frolicked around the globe solving the world's woes wherever i went. Or maybe i turned into the villain since i was now only one of two people with the all-powerful stick thingy.


SeanCollier said...

That. Is. AWESOME.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, to be honest, we didn't need any more proof :P
I wonder what Freud would say?

Anonymous said...

I'll second SeanCollier's comment. That IS awesome. If you could just keep track of your dreams and then bind them up as a collection of short stories, I'm pretty sure you could make a killing. I'd buy one.