Friday, August 20, 2010

It's been almost a year since my last update.

Did you miss me? I missed you, though not in an aching, insistent "why am I not telling my three readers what I'm doing with my life?!?!!" sort of way. Rather, it would float in from the back of my head where the things I forget about like to dwell. "Hey haven't done that in awhile" I'd think to myself, then continue on with my day.

Have you changed, three readers? I think I have, but then again maybe I haven't. From the outset many things seem the same. I still eat, sleep, work and daydream. I still learn new things, though in this case it's karate instead of college classes. I still wish I exercised more, even when I was exercising an hour a day six days a week. I still draw, sing, and joke my way through daily life. But I think, having graduated, things that seemed desperately important at the time no longer do. I think I'm learning to accept life and the people in my world as they are and not as I wish they were. Though I worry about complacency. If I don't pick a direction I might just stay in one spot forever and that isn't exactly optimal. But I have friends, so that's something.

I haven't been writing too much in all honesty. Well, I've been writing down my dreams, when they happen, and writing down ideas for comics. But the poetry, and stories, and snippets of characterization and dialogue that used to fill up my overly-pretentious moleskin notebook? those have sadly dwindled to a halt.

I'm almost halfway to my black-belt, which is cool! I only need to learn sword-fighting and stunt-driving and then I swear I'm gonna move to California and fulfill my life-long goal of being a stunt double. Or maybe not, you know how I am.

Hope You're Well!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I missed you. I'm glad you're writing again.