Friday, January 16, 2009


Fact: I've never had a new years resolution. Seriously. I've never even attempted it because i'm not sure i've ever seen someone come close to succeeding.

Until now.

I have to say that for the past month or so i've been floating in space. Last semester i got back into drawing. But lately I just have not been inspired. I've got a few theories on why this is, but that's not really important. The point is that for the entire month i was home i didn't touch my guitar and I never pressed pen to paper more than once. The three comics that I was working on went nowhere and right now I can't really remember where it was that they were supposed to be headed in the first place. I had a creative block because i was bummed and i was bummed because I had no outlet. Not good.

A few days ago, in my art history book, i read about a not so popular greek anecdote, "No day without a line." Then today I read about the 100 theme challenge. This is a popular challenge on deviant art and other sites (google it). Basically someone came up with a list of 100 themes and the challenge is to do a drawing (or whatever you want really) based on each one of those themes.

So, this is my resolution. For the next 365 days, no matter how happy, sad, or distracted i am, I will draw something every day. Most days it will probably be a person, because let's face it, landscapes and still lifes (life's? lives?) don't really interest me. I'm starting a little late I guess (I think i started on the 8th), but i had to have a goal before i could attempt to achieve it.

I will also attempt to increase the amount of drawings i do from life. So if you're at my coffee shop and you see someone staring at you and scribbling... sorry. That's gotta be really awkward for you.

And i'm gonna try to attempt this 100 themes thing. I'm not sure how successful i'll be. But it's a pretty cool idea.


PS: I bought the Pictures and Sound album the other day. This entry was originally going to be about how awesome said album is, but then i decided to go the new years route. It's a good album though, particularly "everything leaves a mark" and "every war (feat. willie nelson!)."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds great, kid! It's good to push yourself, and it would be a real shame if you let your talents go to waste. Good luck!