Monday, September 7, 2009

In case you needed more proof of my craziness.

I don't know about the rest of the world, but i tend to have rather bizarre dreams. They seem to come in cycles. I won't dream at all for months and then all of a sudden for nights in a row i will have epic dreams that seem like Stan Lee and George Lucas got together and dropped acid. This is what i dreamt last night:

I lived in a world that mostly mirrored our own. I went to classes, i went to work (at a toy store, not a the restaurant i currently work at, but whatever). Each person I knew in my dream was reminiscent of someone i know in real life but with just one or two traits that were off.

The only difference was that everyone had a power. Mine was reading minds. Erin could create endless duplicates of herself or anyone else that would move around, talk and generally just be really good faux targets when we were playing dodgeball.

One small bratty child had the power to make inanimate objects come to life. and that kid just had to make some trouble.

You see, small child wanted a toy (i'm not sure what kind) but his mother refused to buy it. As I turned the corner with my little price tag gun i see the kid yelling. All of a sudden his entire body glows and a pulse goes out of him. Then i hear screams. Three rows over a giant T-rex made entirely of legos is stomping all over the place as people scream, scatter, and cower in terror.

As the pulse continues across the land, for miles this starts happening all over the place. Some of the monsters are smaller ( one is just a mean little lawn gnome looking thing that pops out of the bushes and scratches the hell out of us). Others, depending on the amount of legos, were gigantic. One actually looked like optimus prime, though i doubt optimus would approve of picking up a bus and chucking it across the highway so it bounces like an oddly shaped superball.

The only way to stop someone else from using their power was to find one of a very few bonsai trees. Unlike regular bonsai trees these trees were magical and the energy in one branch, if willingly given, could give the wielder the power to stop someone else's powers from working. Unfortunately said trees couldn't exactly be picked up in the garden section at wallmart and often masqueraded as people, so finding one wasn't the easiest of tasks.

Our first task was to find a monastery where we could get someone to tell us more about these mysterious plants. However, in addition to fighting the lego monsters where ever they were, we had two more problems. The first problem was fighting off the opportunists, the people who thrived in the anarchy that a world in chaos provided them with and were not keen on us setting the world in order. They popped up in every city we ventured to, trying to foil our plans.

when we got to the marshlands we had to deal with the bug. Upon biting you you would be temporarily unable to use your powers. Furthermore, if it bit another person shortly thereafter that person would discover, upon recovery to have gained your powers in addition to their own. It would actually be really cool if it wasn't excruciatingly painful. In the end i learned how to duplicate myself and others and also gained telekinesis. However, I quickly learned that just because you had a power didn't mean you could use it affectively. When i duplicated my self the copies just stood there like zombies, making it painfully easy to pick out the real me. Furthermore, when i tried to levitate a chair it merely hovered feebly before clattering to the ground.

Anyway... after navigating our way through the now apocalyptic cities and towns, trudging through the forest and then the marshlands we finally gained our instructions from the monks. What followed was more trudging through forests, and the eventual climbing of a sacred mountain. The tree was not by the sacred pool. bummer.

So we gave up, and started back down the mountain to go home. on our way back we found a bunch of looters pillaging a pristine, though simple cabin on the edge of the forest. Inside, there were two children in white cowering in the corner while one of the men doused the entire place in gasoline. My ability made it easy to predict punches before they were thrown, while one friend summoned a few duplicates to aid her in her fight, and a second friend just levitated one jerk and threw him out the window. We kicked butt.

When we helped the children up they held their hands out to us, palms facing upward and their eyes started glowing. They produced two sticks. when grasped, one glowed a pale purple and the other a bluish-green. we had what we had been looking for.

I woke up at this point. But I can only assume I went back, smacked that bratty kid in the face with the treebranch, and turned all the legos back into plain old toys. And then frolicked around the globe solving the world's woes wherever i went. Or maybe i turned into the villain since i was now only one of two people with the all-powerful stick thingy.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Fool me once.

There was a time when I thought that con-men only existed in old movies.

Then a few years ago I was conned.

There I was, walking along in the springfield mall (don't worry, the grifters have moved on) When some kid, slightly older than I, and quite adorable came up to me with a clipboard and started talking. He talked alot, threw in a number of compliments to my looks and character. He told me that he was participating in a DJ contest and that in order to win he needed to get votes. How could one vote for him? by signing up for these "totally legitimate" magazine subscriptions, of course! He was very charming and there were a number of competitors in the mall at the time, so i believed him, of course. He told me all about how the company he was working for was backed by the better business bureau and how if he won he'd get to be a dj on some show or another. The paper i filled out seemed very official.

It was, of course, a lie.

In reality, some twenty-two year old fast talker made thirty bucks and a very naive nineteen year old learned a valuable lesson.

A few weeks later i told someone the story and they informed me that i was never getting said magazine. They were correct. I'm pretty sure this once happened to my mom as well, since she told me a very similar story and that magazine also somehow never made it to my door.

So today when two good-looking, friendly, and very talkative girls knocked on my door, I was a bit more guarded about the whole thing. They gave me, almost word for word, the same spiel i heard two years prior at my hometown mall. When I told them I had been scammed before, they told me they were backed by the better business bureau. I didn't tell them that Mr. DJ had said those exact words as well. After dragging it out for a few minutes I politely declined their offer.

Then I called the cops. They were gone already, but at least this time without my money.

Magazine scams, perpetrated most famously by the Universal Subscription Agency, are a very lucrative business. But not for those kids who knock on your door. Those kids are trained to remain almost eerily up-beat at all times, and to talk their way out of any situation. They are brainwashed into not asking where the money they make is going or whether the customers get what they pay for. They work 10 or more hours a day and are often given less than $15 in food money. Many are runaways. All are lured in with the promise of money and the ability to travel. But somehow, most likely because of the fines that managers place upon them, these kids never actually get their money.

So I guess the point of this post is that con-men still exist. And don't ever buy things from door to door salesmen. It is really easy to photoshop official looking documents if you are only showing them to people who don't know what to look for in official documents. And anyone can say that their company is legit.

Or, in the words of mad-eye moody:
Constant Vigilance!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Spinto Band blew my mind, and now i can no longer form intelligent sentences...

Although some might say my sentences aren't really that eloquent to begin with.


I cannot even explain how amazing The spinto band was tonight. words like "Awesome," "Wicked Cool," and "Fan-Freakin-Tastic" just don't seem to cut it. I'd prattle on about how great it was... but i'm afraid i can't do it justice. Truth be told I haven't been feeling very witty as of late so i will simply say this.

I Love This Band.

Listen to them. Love them. The end.


Monday, March 16, 2009

SciFi Channel to change name, annoy nerds everywhere

As an advertising major and lover of all things dorky (with the exception of lost), news like this always piques my interest. SciFi, the network most known for dorky shows about space and stuff, is preparing to change its name.

To what?


Whoa there guys. I think that might be a little too different, you know? (joke)

Honestly, I think this is bull. SciFi was raised to it's current status by the very trekkies it is now trying to distance itself from. While I understand that they want to appeal to a broader audience without alienating themselves too much from their base, I don't think that this particular tactic will work. The name change is too subtle to change the opinions of those who aren't predisposed to watch the channel. Phonetically, it's exactly the same. While it is true that the SciFi channel does air more than just sci-fi shows, i think it is important to note that most of their shows are still in that same vein.

What i think the change will do is annoy those who already watch the channel. like me. So here I will speak directly to the company:

I am saddened, I watched your x-files, your firefly, MSTK, dark angel reruns, painkiller jane and eureka. And now what? you don't want to be associated with me anymore because you need to "reach out" and have "something for everyone." Well, i gotta tell ya, I don't watch your channel because i want to see gossip girl reruns. I watch it for three things, aliens, spaceships, and adam baldwin. You get your high ratings because people enjoy the niche you occupy. So stop trying to escape that.

Okay. that's it.

check out this sweet cake!


Saturday, March 14, 2009


I'm blogging from La! It's 1:22 here. I'd say "this means its (some time) back home," but i don't actually know which time that is because i still don't understand time zones. I keep calling/ texting people at really awkward times.

So, anyway I'm staying with my good friend Erin. Every day with her is an exercise in awkwardness. The first night I went to club Kress, where i stood awkwardly in the background of Snoop's new show Dog after Dark. Then we tried to dance. Just so you know, I'm not really good at dancing if it's not the white boy shuffle. So we'll see how that looks when the show is aired. hopefully they cut it out. Still, she always takes me on strange adventures.

In other news, i'm pretty sure i want to live in Seattle. I was there from Sunday until Wednesday and it is pretty much the best city in the world. Though i'd like it more if there were less homeless people.

That's pretty much all i can think of right now...

listen to greg lasswell! he's great! if you like acoustic-ey stuff.

Friday, February 20, 2009

We now return you to your regular scheduled programming...

Expect this entry to be a little disjointed. It's been awhile and I have a few things to say that aren't at all related to each other.

I call this The Good, The Sad, and the God-awful.

The Good:
First, a quick summary of things that i think are awesome.

I love Four Year Strong. Honestly, I haven't listened to punk music since high school (though i was pretty obsessed back then). I told a friend of mine this and his reaction was "really? the same person whose favorite band is margot and the nuclear so & so's?" uh... yeah, i guess it's possible. My two favorite tracks are "Bada Bing! Wit' a Pipe!" and "Wrecked 'em? Damn near killed 'em!" But really the whole album (Rise or Die Trying) is really good.

Another band i recently fell in love with... The Howlies. They can only be described as surf punk. I saw them last wednesday. despite the small crowds, they put on a fantastic show. That means a lot to me, because i feel like too often bands get pissy when there isn't a "big enough" crowd and don't really give it their all. The Howlies were great; the lead singer was just precious, and their harmonies were fantastic. Some clutch songs were "Aluminum baseball bat" and "angelina"

Random songs to give a listen-
M. Ward- never had nobody like you
Ivan Ives- got it
overnight- I know
golden bloom- doomsday devices

The Sad:
When i went out to buy paste magazine the other day, i was a little saddened to find they've decided to stop putting cd's in their issues. You still get music. But you have to go to their website and enter in a little code that can be found in your issue. This gives you access to a zip file with all the songs on it (and album art too). While I understand the logic of it (most people immediately rip it onto their computer, they are wasting a lot less plastic, etc.)I'm still going to miss having something tangible. Long after everyone traded in their cd cases and sony disc players for a sleek little ipod I've still got my alphabetically ordered cd collection. It's sad to know that i'll never get to add another Paste cd to that section. I really liked watching the cd art evolve. I'm just being overly nostalgic, i know. But the free cd was what drew me to the magazine in the first place. If i had the money i'd probably go back and order the thirty issues i don't already have so that i could have them all. yes, like pokemon.

The God-awful:
I would like to commend Hipster Deathmachine for duping me into seeing their horrible horrible set. This may seem obvious to some, but i think the band needs to be reminded that just because your band has a trombone does not mean you can call yourselves a ska band. It's been a long time since i've sat through something that...painful.

yeah... that's it.

Friday, February 6, 2009

I'm bored.

If anyone has checked facebook lately, they'll have seen the "25 facts"trend. I am not immune. But i'm not putting it on facebook, because i really don't need three hundred people knowing how strange i am! The way i see it, most of the people who read this (all four of you!) already know that.

1. I've wanted to do this for a week now, but it seemed rather silly.

2. When i was little i would wear frilly dresses with timberland boots.

3. One of my favorite childhood memories is when my grandpop, the ninety pound, 4'11 italian, tried to convince me he was saint nick.

4. I also really enjoyed crumbling saltine crackers into my campbell's soup. the crunch was really satisfying.

5. I have drawn a picture every day since new years. This is the longest i've ever stuck to anything.

6. Unless you count 13 years of dance class, but my dad was paying for that.

7. I did softball for two years, i was the only person on my team to hit a home run in those two years.

8. I quit because i didn't like being on a losing team, and no one would let me switch.

9. The most influential person in my life has always and will always be my uncle, no offence to anyone else.

10. My first kiss gave me this cute little teddy bear with a red bowtie. It's one of only a few cuddly things i own.

11. I don't like it when people tell me secrets, because i feel like i should confide in them too. I rarely do.

12. I rarely voice my anger, because i've found that the things i get mad about are unimportant in the long run.

13. I once accidentally rode my bike into the deep end of my pool.

14. In elementary school I spent my weekends in a cemetary. But only cuz my dad was the groundskeeper!

15. The clawed foot bathtub gave me nightmares. Even though i told people i thought it was really cool.

16. I think it's kind of dumb to believe in ghosts. But i still talk to people i've known who died years ago.

17. In 6th grade i beat up a boy. in 10th grade i dated him.

18. I've only gotten in fist fights with people who pick on my brothers. When people picked on me i just whined.

19. I'm a sucker for any boy in a cute sportcoat. or funky hat.

20. I only had to share a bedroom for six months in freshman year. That is the extent of my experience of "sharing"

21. Most days i think the whole notion of marriage is unnatural.

22. I love cooking for other people, but when i'm by myself i'll probably just order pizza.

23. I honestly doubt there's an engagement ring I could like more than the one i wear on my middle finger. It's not perfect, but it has meaning to me.

24. I'm not very good at starting conversations, but i love chatting with people!

25. I'm more girly than i like to admit.

Monday, February 2, 2009

things that make me double over in laughter

So, my itunes is on shuffle (like usual when i draw) and flaming lips came on. I have to say, that every time i hear the line "every time you state your case, the more i'd like to punch your face" i burst into laughter. I'm not sure why.

Anyway, the thing that really made me laugh today was cake wrecks. It's this blog where people send in pictures of just... awfully designed cakes. At first i thought it's only funny because i used to work at a bakery. But then i saw the wedding cake topped with a deer, a man, his wife, and their shotgun. There was also a red truck driving up the side of this otherwise pretty little cake.This was not some sort of hunting cake(?), mind you. It was a Wedding cake. A few pages later there was the birthday cake with a naked tom selleck.

oh yeah... New art on the deviant art page.

Also, if anyone wants to buy me a valentines day present, I would really enjoy a Pocket shark. These bad boys are perfect for both taking notes in class and moonlighting as a masked vigilante.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Increase the Peace.

Good people of the internets, I am not impressed. Not with you, per se, but with the with the world at large.

In the past few weeks i have seen a friend's personal effects thrown out the window, and another friend punched in the face. An online tech reporter i honestly enjoy reading is reconsidering his line of work because in the past year he has been stalked, had his family's life threatened, and had his face spat on by promoters who were angry at him for not writing about their company or service. He reports on new gadgets (ie: cameras and headphones), and new online startups. Its an interesting job, sure, but not exactly the kind of thing one should get their life threatened over.

This type of behavior is not okay, and "i was drunk" is not an excuse. College (or work life) is stressful, i get it. But there are few reasons to resort to violence. I am no hippie. But i believe that a person's body is her own property, and it is not okay to disrespect that.

Last night I myself got a very creepy phone call. If it was a prank, fyi: these are supposed to be funny not scary. I am not amused.

If it wasn't a prank, this is what i have to say to you. I never screen calls. Even if i am angry or upset with a person, i will almost always answer his/her phone calls, because i honestly believe that everyone deserves the right to be heard. I know i would be pissed if i was trying to apologize to someone and they wouldn't let me. Likewise, if a friend or enemy sends me an email, i will always read it. I may not respond to it, but i read it. your opinion is heard. Now, the list of people i don't wish to speak to is really very short, perhaps three people. Out of everyone in my entire life. So here's the thing, if i have stopped answering your calls, then i have absolutely no interest in talking to you. You have had your opportunity to say whatever you need to and for some reason it did not live up to my standards, which are actually not that high. This means you are no longer a part of my life. This does not mean disguise your voice and call me in the middle of the night from a blocked number.

Certain things are and are not acceptable in decent society, people. And the violation of privacy and property is not okay.


Friday, January 16, 2009


Fact: I've never had a new years resolution. Seriously. I've never even attempted it because i'm not sure i've ever seen someone come close to succeeding.

Until now.

I have to say that for the past month or so i've been floating in space. Last semester i got back into drawing. But lately I just have not been inspired. I've got a few theories on why this is, but that's not really important. The point is that for the entire month i was home i didn't touch my guitar and I never pressed pen to paper more than once. The three comics that I was working on went nowhere and right now I can't really remember where it was that they were supposed to be headed in the first place. I had a creative block because i was bummed and i was bummed because I had no outlet. Not good.

A few days ago, in my art history book, i read about a not so popular greek anecdote, "No day without a line." Then today I read about the 100 theme challenge. This is a popular challenge on deviant art and other sites (google it). Basically someone came up with a list of 100 themes and the challenge is to do a drawing (or whatever you want really) based on each one of those themes.

So, this is my resolution. For the next 365 days, no matter how happy, sad, or distracted i am, I will draw something every day. Most days it will probably be a person, because let's face it, landscapes and still lifes (life's? lives?) don't really interest me. I'm starting a little late I guess (I think i started on the 8th), but i had to have a goal before i could attempt to achieve it.

I will also attempt to increase the amount of drawings i do from life. So if you're at my coffee shop and you see someone staring at you and scribbling... sorry. That's gotta be really awkward for you.

And i'm gonna try to attempt this 100 themes thing. I'm not sure how successful i'll be. But it's a pretty cool idea.


PS: I bought the Pictures and Sound album the other day. This entry was originally going to be about how awesome said album is, but then i decided to go the new years route. It's a good album though, particularly "everything leaves a mark" and "every war (feat. willie nelson!)."

Thursday, January 8, 2009

i'd rather be 75 and sunny than 29 with a chance of showers all the time

Actually it's quite dark and dismal where i am. But, a few days ago (the third?) i went to world cafe live for the first time and got myself a good dose of sunshine. I was there to see the Ryan Montbleau band. They've got four albums if you count the two solo albums he had before the whole band came together. I'm fairly certain they played almost every single one of those songs. well, maybe not, but they did two sets, so it was quite the marathon.

The show was from 7:30 sharp till a little after 12. the opening act was a man named Zach Deputy. If you ever get the chance to see this guy live it is definitely a must-see, because i really don't think that his album does him justice. His voice has great range and his style seems influenced by everything from country to rap to louisiana blues. Plus he uses his beatboxing skills and some kind of looping system to create these interlocking beats which from this little hoofer's point of view would be great to tap dance to. My favorite song was "home" and if you go to his website ( you can listen to that and two others. You can't listen to the song sunny day, which was also a really good song. My favorite part of his set however was just how much he seemed to enjoy playing. Too often when i go to shows it seems like the singers just aren't having that great of a time. Maybe it's just nerves, but i feel like it takes away from the song when the people playing the music aren't into what they're singing/playing. Deputy was totally into it, and that kind of feeling is infectious. It turns a good show into a great show.

Both sets The Ryan Montbleau Band played were also fantastic. Personally i had only heard his solo album Stages, so i had no idea how the band would sound. It really surprised me. there was a drummer, percussionist (bongos, chimes and all kinds of things), a keyboardist, viola, and one guy who switched between bass guitar and unpright bass. Oh yeah, and ryan himself on guitar and vocals. The really great thing is that all of these instruments were fully utilized. Despite the fact that Ryan's name is on the poster, they seemed like a cohesive unit. And that's a difficult thing to accomplish when one person had already written many of the songs before the band is together. Some of his old songs were completely re-scored, but the new versions are equally good. In the second set he played a few songs on his own and then a few with just the upright bass and viola. Then the rest of the band came back and they played a really full set. All in all, the band played for approximately 3 hours. And while the tempo changed and the songs varied the intensity was there for the whole show.

For those who haven't been there, the world cafe live is an interesting place. It is set up like a caberet, with long dinner tables set up on three different levels in front of a huge stage. The acoustics of the building are some of the best i have ever experienced, though that's not really surprising since WXPN broadcasts live shows from there fairly frequently. Also, the lighting guy was clearly familiar with the songs because all the cues were spot on (though i'm probably the only person who noted/ was really impressed by that). Most people did not dance, since it's a little awkward when you're halfway through an appetizer, but the audience was very vocal. The waiters were a little slow, but really i was there for the music. it's a great place to go, especially if you're 21. My new favorite song is called "75 and sunny," it's off their newest album, which i don't have yet (my birthday is june 13th!)

So, no offense to the other bands i saw this year, but in terms of venue and the music itself this was easily the best show i've seen in a very long time.

Also, i just have to reiterate that Ryan is a superb lyricist. the man can stretch out a metaphor like no one else. He's rarely cliched or vague; each one of his songs tells a specific story in a unique way. it's almost impossible for me to say which songs are lyrically my favorite from Stages, they are all fantastic. I guess i would say to listen to stretch and you crazy you, but in all honesty pretty much any song off that cd is fantastic.

till next time,

My new playlists

Anyone who has talked to me about music knows my favorite music magazine is paste magazine. I have three basic reasons for this. First, Rolling stone and Spin might have awesome RSS feeds and the best interview sections, but Paste is the only one to regularly tell me about bands i haven't already heard of. Second, they pick their songs from a much wider range of music. While i may have been a rock/punk kid when i was a young one, my tastes have become more eclectic since then. Third, each issue comes with a cute little cd that i can take with me and listen to. I don't have to buy a cd just because some guy raved that it revolutionizes modern music and then find out that it's bad spoken word with too much reverb. I can listen to one song by each of the artists they cover and decide for myself if they are good or bad. This is both good for me and the music industry because if i regret my decisions less, then i end up buying more cds now don't i?

Anyways, the songs viewed here were found either via Paste, BBC's "the Playlist" (which i found in a bin on sale somewhere in NY), or off the cd that the lady at urban outfitters gave me when i bought these kickass cowboy boots.

My new playlist:

  • Rattlin Bones- kasey chambers & shane nichols: i've got a weakness for male female duets but it rarely happens that i like country songs. But this isn't the country-pop i usually hear and hate (i'm looking at you taylor swift). This one is heavy on the banjo and reminds me of something you'd hear out of louisiana.
  • She moves in her own way- the kooks: okay, i already knew i love the kooks, but i didn't actually have anything by them until someone gave me this.
  • Move you- Anya marina: her voice is a little wispy for my taste, i tend to favor girls with strong voices. But it's quite the catchy song and i could see it easily being used for a tv show.
  • So many nights- The Cat Empire: This song seems effortlessly cool. which is strange since the character in the song is kind of pathetic for some girl.
  • Valerie- the Zutons: I like the zutons, but the songs off their first album are for me the kind of songs that i can only listen to every once in a while. This song, however, i just love. It's much less repetitive than some of their other songs.
  • How the day sounds- Greg Laswell: The lyrics to this song are simple and poignant. Some might even say they are slightly sappy. But i'm okay with it. The lyrics and his laid-back voice come together to make it sound like he's having a conversation. Even when i'm feeling mopey, inevitably when the song gets to the end and he sings "won't you sing along," i already am.
  • heartbeats- jose gonzales: when i first heard this song i started frantically shuffling through my box of cds looking for the case so i could figure out who this was. Then i read the name and promptly realized i'd already blogged about his awesomeness. So yeah, he's still awesome. Also, if this song hasn't been in an episode of scrubs, it should be.
  • Another day- Jamie lidell: Jamie is channelling the temptations, which is odd since many of them are still alive. research tells me that other songs incorporate electronic stuff, but i'm really only aware of this gospel/soul/funk song. I'll try on the other stuff and get back to you...
  • Consolation prizes- Phoenix: these guys grew up in the same time and place as the two wierd guys who would go on to be daft punk. The music couldn't really be farther apart though.
  • Let me go on- Seabird: i don't really know what to say about this song, just listen to it.
  • Don't wanna die lonely- nick Pagliari: this song is sappy. but still good.
  • It's You- Pictures and Sound: This is by far my favorite song on this list. I wish i had a car so i could drive with the top down blasting this song. I was going to go out and buy their cd immediately, but i have a wicked cold today so i decided to stay home and whine instead.
so, thats it. i also want to commend iFrogz ear pollution for making good quality, inexpensive headphones. A few years ago my dad went all out and bought me these super expensive, obnoxiously huge noise-cancelling headphones. The noise-cancelling thing worked real well for drowning out the world when i needed to study, but the sound was crap. Furthermore, the left speaker broke down completely within a few months. I chucked it, and didn't tell him about it because i knew he goes through a lot of trouble researching and comparison shopping whenever he buys anything over twenty bucks. I've used numerous versions of ear buds and crappy dell speakers until now. I popped my iFrogz headphones on christmas morning and could tell the difference right away. The difference in sound is just amazing between these headphones and the buds i had picked up earlier. I also love that they are completely customized to fit my style. there is no way i'm confusing my headphones with anyone else's anymore. The only downside is that they are a little uncomfortable to wear around my neck if i've got a coat on. This wasn't the case with my old headphones, which were slightly larger. But the smaller size is helpful for me because most headphones (and hats) tend to slide around because my skull is oddly small. Actually, most of me is oddly small. The sound is amazing... for the price. It is not even remotely as good as Dr. Dre's Beats headphones (I use this as an example because it's the high end set i've listened to most recently, not because it's the best in it's price range. it isn't). But for less than thirty dollars, the ifrogz ear pollution headphones really are fantastic.

I've got more to write about the adventures i've had while i was away from my trusty computer for the last month. But Nyquil is making my head a little fuzzy so I think it may be time to go to sleep.
